Sunday, January 26, 2020

Dble header and ....

off to the college of education with Canon Paul, Professor and school chaplain, it is an Anglican School so the expectation is for everyone to attend church service
As we are lining up, the 45 member choir arrives, I do not think I have seen an Anglican choir that big ...for a long time plus 5 on instruments including a trumpet.

then dancing before the sermon for 20 minutes and these kids like to dance

so then a couple of  traditional photos when service is finished

Canon Paul is trying not to laugh as I am saying that a priest can be naughty but can not get caught by the bishop.
I have come to realize that joking around and pretending and telling funny stories does not happen very often here and so when it does come up, folks are quite stunned. Gee if I have to be straight laced all the time...boring

then off to the cathedral for the 9 am service, good job the dean mentioned I should go there after the college or I would have gone home and put me feet up, priests work very hard here

And the best part of the day
I had supper delivered from Mother Margaret... fufu with chix and fish sauce, enough for 2 suppers   YES ....    no cooking today

Oh, just a reminder, 11 months today is Boxing Day Sales       lol


  1. All of you look very happy. I'll put boxing day sales on my calendar. Perhaps snowmen will be on sale!

  2. Telling jokes gets interesting results. Canon Paul told me today he will send me another pic that he is not struggling to keep solemn, oh hum.
    I guess giving sale notice is a big thing in Canada if I remember but here the only big sale day is Tuesday every week which is Market Day when downtown is a zoo.
    I shop on Wednesday less choice and less people, sounds good to me, I learn to modify my wants.
