Sunday, January 19, 2020

Ordination service

Here are the facts::
left the house just before 8 am and returned after 3 pm attending one service. So then a nap was in order.
The service was actually very lively and interesting.

lining up
examination of the candidates

candidates then reenter carrying a cross 
while the congregation sings a hymn about carrying the cross of Jesus

Three bishops laying on of hands, 
Rt. Rev. Abraham Ackah, Bishop of Wiawso
Rt. Rev. Dr. Daniel Mensah Torto Bishop of Accra
Rt. Rev. Dr. Victor Atta-Baffoe, Bishop of Cape Coast 
(for those who assisted support for Hannah Dumah to attend St Nicholas Seminary, 
Victor was the Dean when Hannah attended)

the Deacon is robed, Rev. Enock Manu

Priests form a circle around the priest as he had laying on of hands by the bishops


                                                       dancing of course was included

                                                     everyone on their knees during the prayers

                                                         given the symbols of his ministry

                                         the new priest introduced  Rev. Fr. Christiaan Goman Afadi

After the ordinations had taken place , the Chancellor made a Citation Presentation to 
Bishop A. Achah marking his 40th Anniversary of ordination. He is with Mother Margaret.

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