Monday, January 8, 2018

Susie Homemaker today

to start the day I was two hours at Vodafone trying to get my phone to work... supposedly it was working but alas it was not so Adu had a friend (he has friends in every business I think) anyway after a while friend said there was too much on the phone's memory so transferred the contacts on the phone to the chip (it means when the chip dies I lose all my contact info)  BUT the phone works
After meeting with the bishop I went shopping, the kind of shopping when you first open the cottage.
Basic items: the market is like a zoo all the time so today was no different, got 2 quarts of tomatoes so I stewed most of them down (they are cooling at the moment) and I will freeze in several containers to use for soup or spaghetti sauce, freezing green peppers and onions to be chopped up.(thank goodness for zip lock bags) 
Because the fresh stuff spoil quickly many here shop every day or so, not my idea of spending time, divided the chicken pieces into baggies and in the freezer, found out today that chix hot dogs are called chicken sausages here and they have them at the Cold Store (a stall with a walk in freezer)

I am dammed if I can figure out how to put these pics side by side

the ginger above...I wanted 1 piece about 4 inches long and got twice what you see for equivalent of $1.75
Garlic to the right I wanted maybe 3 or 4 bulbs gave away half and still have what you see left  = $2.25 I like garlic but I do not know if I can use all this, will try

well enough of my rattling on...

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