Monday, January 22, 2018

Housing development

Building any structure here is a challenge in many ways, mortgages can go as high as 80% so I have heard so getting a mortgage to finish the house is not done, so house are built as the money is acquired. It is not unusual to see many houses in various stages of being built, sometimes with the family living in the finish part with the remainder still to be completed, churches, businesses are built  the same  and gradually gradually they get completed. What brought this to mind today was that I saw a retail building, 3 stories, that had been in the throws of being built probably for the last 3 or 4 years but today I saw it was finished. Below are some examples of partially built homes.  Roads are just red dirt and in the rains, deep crevices are created which are challenge to drive over, there are no graters coming along to even up the surface ...  believe me
Still got cough with some wheezing from asthma, and  since prescriptions are not needed here to buy drugs I bought an inhaler that has a bronco dilator and some cortisone that I have had before, to get this cough to go away so ...  hopefully in a couple of days  ...  ALL GONE

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