Saturday, January 13, 2018

I need to comment

the latest derogatory remark from the leader of the country south of Canada leaves me very sad.
Over the years I have again and again said... Thank God I was born in Canada and not south of our border. How many times have I seen inappropriate behaviour or comments from American citizens  here or abroad wanting to be first in line or wanting a New York sirloin steak in a tiny village in Spain. My comments to him was...then go back to New York 
I was in Tallahassee in November and heard Americans lamenting their situation. They realize the world is looking at this behaviour and with every new remark diminishing America's image in the world.  I just kept asking...can't you arrest and charge him because of his behaviour. The answer was a resounding NO, he is the president. I think that it will take years for them to get out of the hole that is being dug, if ever. 
Having worked in communities with the marginalized of our society for many years, folks that are poor for what ever reason, want to have a better life. New Immigrants do not flee their country because it is a bed of roses. They leave money, their homes and businesses to live a life that is not under threat. The leader whom I shall not tarnish my note by naming, seems to think only of money and himself and no way can I believe that he is putting America first. 
Again I say, thank God I was born in Canada

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