Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday, Sunday

- first of all I have a cold which also include a cough, I got some DM cough syrup at the pharmacy which helps but still I have a cough, I did not stay for the second service as there is incense that I knew would trigger the cough.
- have limited wifi as I downloaded a large document, will go tomorrow to figure out how to top up the sim- card
  - still have no figured out how to get my laptop and my printer to work together, the printer really likes Window7 and I have windows 16 and they do not talk together, I got an newer version of the driver installed but still not talking, I wonder if I download a copy of Windows 7 and worked in that program whether that might work,   any suggestions are gladly received, ??????
printer is HP INK JET 150 Portable

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