Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mental health

over the years I found that mental health was a topic that was not discussed here as the world of spirits etc is still believed by many. the Methodist Church and the CHAG Christian Health Association of Ghana put on a workshop as an introduction to Mental Health, good data, well presented, by a doctor who has an interest in mental health, It was scheduled to start 10m prompt so by 1045 we were started, After a couple of short breaks, he completed his presentation at 2pm. There was lunch and money for travelling to be distributed as part of the program, . So there were 1500 present and they started by calling each person one by one to pick up lunch and get travel money, then the method changed and we were handed out lunch while in our seats but they continued one by one calling for folks to pick up travel money. remember 1500 names, I left at 430pm with a couple of others and got a taxi back home, When I commented to the priest beside me that folks were very tolerant of this very slow distribution system which would likely not be the same back in Canada, his answer blew me away.
poverty makes people very obedient,  now does not that just make you sit back and think! I have to presume the distribution went on for hours after I left. still the workshop part was very good.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

I brought some Indian food recipes with me

I just love the spinach dish in an Indian restaurant so looked up recipe and brought the spices with me as I have no idea if they  are sold in the mkt.
today was the day when I was going to make it. I have yet to find spinach here, not in this mkt any way. saw these big green leaves, same colour as spinach but much bigger, 4 or 5 times the size of my hand, do not know the name of it
- broke up the leaves into small pieces taking out the very thick veins, looks like spinach eh!
then follow the recipe, fry onions, add spices add green leaves cooked and voila, 
at the restaurant one eats it with naan bread but none here so ate it with crackers,
 a little different taste but very good, so do not need spinach anyway
Adu tells me that it is really good for the blood (it is full of iron to build up the hemoglobin) he is one cabbie who is very knowledgeable. 

Monday, January 29, 2018

clergy and wives retreat Feb. 1 to 4th

read two good books by the same author, IRMA JOUBERT  ....   have a look
Girl on the Train
Child of the River

organizing retreat on paper, I am not that good at columns but getting better I guess, still much more to know about the computer

Sunday, January 28, 2018


over a charcoal burner the pot sits high, yesterday the palm nuts were pounded within an inch of their life (LOL) today water is added to the pot so that Mabel can squeeze the pulp out of the smashed nuts

and puts the remaining fiber to the side                                 SOUP ON A CHARCOAL BURNER
                                                                                                                              and the fiber was taken to the Dean's wife who makes candles with it
I have no idea how but I will ask     

nothing is made instantly, +++ labour involved in every aspect of life                                                                     

Saturday, January 27, 2018

men's prison

- newsletter gone to print  yes!!!!!
-Back to the prison to start the building of the structure for the barbershop, met with the asst commander and delivered half of the needed funds. will keep you posted as the building proceeds.
-Afia came to clean yesterday and it sounded like she has bronchitis, really bad cough but she continued on,

"in the money house counting all the money "

Thursday, January 25, 2018

saw a billboard today at the round about

head shot of a man, the caption was
first I built up my business, then I built up my family
all because my wife had an IUD
and he was holding an IUD in his hand

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


the mango was delicious
and I got a bowl of warm plantain chips.....mmmmm good

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Visited the prison today with Mary

Went to see how things are at the prison
You will remember the Hair Salon that was put up a few years ago, well the prison has installed a washroom behind the salon for their convenience
                  cute eh! even with decorations

had a conversation with the new commandant at the
Men's prison about a barber shop,
last year they were able to buy 2 sets of equipment
and St. Matthew on the Plains generously
raised funds for the structure.
It will begin soon and will take a month to complete.
It is through the support and generosity of the Diocese of Sunyani that these projects can take place.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Housing development

Building any structure here is a challenge in many ways, mortgages can go as high as 80% so I have heard so getting a mortgage to finish the house is not done, so house are built as the money is acquired. It is not unusual to see many houses in various stages of being built, sometimes with the family living in the finish part with the remainder still to be completed, churches, businesses are built  the same  and gradually gradually they get completed. What brought this to mind today was that I saw a retail building, 3 stories, that had been in the throws of being built probably for the last 3 or 4 years but today I saw it was finished. Below are some examples of partially built homes.  Roads are just red dirt and in the rains, deep crevices are created which are challenge to drive over, there are no graters coming along to even up the surface ...  believe me
Still got cough with some wheezing from asthma, and  since prescriptions are not needed here to buy drugs I bought an inhaler that has a bronco dilator and some cortisone that I have had before, to get this cough to go away so ...  hopefully in a couple of days  ...  ALL GONE

Sunday, January 21, 2018

a joyous celebration

big big celebration for the Installation of the new executive of Mother's Union headed by Mother Superior Felicia as the incoming President of the Internal Province of Ghana.
it kept to the routine of being 6 hours of dancing, praying, installation, preaching, singing, fund raising for the Mother's Union and celebrating all the guests who were present.
(I took a bottle of water and 2 granola bars to tide me over, I have a reusable fusia lunch bag that I call my church bag filled with needed things for church)
I will let the pictures speak for them self. 

Mother Felicia in the middle being presented by the retired President and a Representative of Mother's Union from UK
there were over 100 Mother's Union members from all around the country to support Mother Felicia

Saturday, January 20, 2018

a day at the spa

house cleaned, laundry done, what more can I ask for. worked on Bishop's Year end Newsletter for hours, I am not cut out for the picky work of lining up columns etc but that's , it is 80% done, just waiting for some pics to add to the words.  Some of you know my luck with bulletins last fall!!!!
so I read in front of the fan..temp 34 c and prepared food and that's all for the whole day.
Very Very nice
ps printer is working and I saved the mango for tomorrow

Friday, January 19, 2018


last night ran out of data on my wifi

and had to top it up this am, this pay as you go is a bit of a pain but that's how it works for phone and wifi for me.
Happiness yesterday was a new printer and a fresh mango, I am bringing the other printer back so it can be fixed. I actually think it is the network is not strong enough for me to download the needed driver. I will see to it then.
I got from  Mabel today a second bag of Plantain chips   mmmmm good. Mabel promised that I can cook with her on Sunday after church
today Afia  to tidy and clean ...ooooo so nice to have laundry done and clean floors., I am so blessed.
Mother's Union is have a conference here for 4 days and Sunday ... a big service Sunday, installing the new President of the Mother's Union, no church until 9am ... get to sleep in later  :) :) :)
Still have a cough, on antibiotics, cough drops I hope it goes soon.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


there is a little trick to making them....use a slicer to make the slices very thin and use firm plantain.
so just need to get a slicer (like a shredder but does slices) oil boiling over a charcoal fire and sliced plantain put in the oil, 10 minutes or so and out they come all crispy and browned,
then package and stapled shut  I was in charge of the stapling... I knew  I could handle it while the sweat was dripping off my chin so used sleeves of my blouse as a drip cloth for my chin. The chips are for a wedding in Accra on Saturday (daughter of Vivian, a seamstress in the congregation)   I am going to try it when I get a slicer . that will be the challenge to find I am sure but knowing Adu, he will know for sure

 I have eaten my bag already for supper

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


walking when the sidewalks are covered with merchandise that the store owner has put out for display requires one to keep one's head up to see where the most space is, it is not unusual to walk on the road just behind the cars parked at the side. I bought some fried plantain, very crispy and tasty, I do not get pepper on mine, the sweet taste of the plantain is enough for me.

I still have not solved my printer issue so will buy a printer that is compatible with my computer and Windows 16 . and then I'm back in business

Monday, January 15, 2018

Cooking with Mother Mabel

Saturday Mother Mabel invited me to see how she cooked a few thing. Mabel is Fr. Eramus' wife
so 'tomato sauce with chicken' was on the burner. She has an outside kitchen and cooks with a propane burner.

mmmmm good, I got enough for 4 meals
lucky me, no cooking

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday, Sunday

- first of all I have a cold which also include a cough, I got some DM cough syrup at the pharmacy which helps but still I have a cough, I did not stay for the second service as there is incense that I knew would trigger the cough.
- have limited wifi as I downloaded a large document, will go tomorrow to figure out how to top up the sim- card
  - still have no figured out how to get my laptop and my printer to work together, the printer really likes Window7 and I have windows 16 and they do not talk together, I got an newer version of the driver installed but still not talking, I wonder if I download a copy of Windows 7 and worked in that program whether that might work,   any suggestions are gladly received, ??????
printer is HP INK JET 150 Portable

Saturday, January 13, 2018

I need to comment

the latest derogatory remark from the leader of the country south of Canada leaves me very sad.
Over the years I have again and again said... Thank God I was born in Canada and not south of our border. How many times have I seen inappropriate behaviour or comments from American citizens  here or abroad wanting to be first in line or wanting a New York sirloin steak in a tiny village in Spain. My comments to him was...then go back to New York 
I was in Tallahassee in November and heard Americans lamenting their situation. They realize the world is looking at this behaviour and with every new remark diminishing America's image in the world.  I just kept asking...can't you arrest and charge him because of his behaviour. The answer was a resounding NO, he is the president. I think that it will take years for them to get out of the hole that is being dug, if ever. 
Having worked in communities with the marginalized of our society for many years, folks that are poor for what ever reason, want to have a better life. New Immigrants do not flee their country because it is a bed of roses. They leave money, their homes and businesses to live a life that is not under threat. The leader whom I shall not tarnish my note by naming, seems to think only of money and himself and no way can I believe that he is putting America first. 
Again I say, thank God I was born in Canada

moving right along

for everyone who contributed to funds for a woman seminarian, here is the receipt of the money in a inter-bank transfer to St. Nicholas
tv and dish ....
not work but got repair man and just needed a new remote so now working like a charm

I spoke about water being packaged in 500cc sachets (sized the same as a sandwich zip lock bag)one chews the corner and drinks

Thursday, January 11, 2018


goats out the back in the school yard, chickens walking to and fro in the cathedral parking lot and the kids playing in the compound getting louder as dinner hour approaches.

*** phone is working    I am a very happy camper and the rice cooker worked, one appreciates small successes    Tomorrow to tackle the tv and my dish receiver system after I buy new batteries for the remotes, small steps of progress...

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


It may not be the Ritz but it is dinner none the less, boiled yam, stewed tomatoes, onion and green pepper with Ghana Sausages (chicken hot dogs by its other name)
- gave up on the phone today and bought another, hopefully this one works as it is supposed to,
- getting things set up upon returning to Ghana is a bit of work. I have yet to turn the tv on but I am sure it will be a lot of running around before it works ..... keep you posted.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Settling In

veggies in the freezer, it is actually full (does not take much as it is a small freezer) I am dining on Pringle chips..rather nice and decadent

Monday, January 8, 2018

Susie Homemaker today

to start the day I was two hours at Vodafone trying to get my phone to work... supposedly it was working but alas it was not so Adu had a friend (he has friends in every business I think) anyway after a while friend said there was too much on the phone's memory so transferred the contacts on the phone to the chip (it means when the chip dies I lose all my contact info)  BUT the phone works
After meeting with the bishop I went shopping, the kind of shopping when you first open the cottage.
Basic items: the market is like a zoo all the time so today was no different, got 2 quarts of tomatoes so I stewed most of them down (they are cooling at the moment) and I will freeze in several containers to use for soup or spaghetti sauce, freezing green peppers and onions to be chopped up.(thank goodness for zip lock bags) 
Because the fresh stuff spoil quickly many here shop every day or so, not my idea of spending time, divided the chicken pieces into baggies and in the freezer, found out today that chix hot dogs are called chicken sausages here and they have them at the Cold Store (a stall with a walk in freezer)

I am dammed if I can figure out how to put these pics side by side

the ginger above...I wanted 1 piece about 4 inches long and got twice what you see for equivalent of $1.75
Garlic to the right I wanted maybe 3 or 4 bulbs gave away half and still have what you see left  = $2.25 I like garlic but I do not know if I can use all this, will try

well enough of my rattling on...

Sunday, January 7, 2018


first service at 7 am (yes I can get up), second service started at 9 am (you realize that 9 am on the clock may have long past before it gets going) it has much more formality and music, sermon started at 1045 after 30 minutes of praise and dancing, announcements at 1215 and I got home at 105 pm. I realized this am that the heat feels like being in a sauna with your coat on. Actually I am now sitting in front of the fan to cool off and then I will get lunch.

after 6 hours of church....  not bad eh!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

video of great room

I successfully uploaded a video of my great room (really a small room but it works for me), please note newly painted walls.     name: sunyani great room 2018
when bedroom is tidy I will upload it as well

Friday, January 5, 2018

am now connected to wifi

temp 27c and tomorrow 33c, its hard to take but someone has to do it... things have improved here as Vodafone has now a portable WiFi gadget, it is a little bigger than a credit card and maybe 1/2 inch thick. it will make it easy to download books to the I pad for one thing. still recovering from travelling - left Toronto 6pm Monday, landed in Amsterdam about 7am Tuesday, 7 hour layover and landed in Accra about 9pm Tuesday, got picked up by William to stay overnite in Tema, took the bus from Accra at noon Wednesday and arrived in Sunyani about 8pm Wednesday - picked up by Gifty and Adu(taxi) tired ++++ but recovering, got my place painted today so all furniture upside down and some outside while paints dries. It looks very nice. are being a pain to download so none today Hopefully tomorrow I will unpack my bags finally

Monday, January 1, 2018


sitting while I practice waiting, watching others move around with their suitcase, cant get a selfie to send, it is stuck in a queue