Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Still settling in

I have found the heat more of a challenge that I remember. The explanation is that the sun is moving north to the equator and will be overhead for another month. Everyone agrees with me about the heat so I guess its not me.
taxi to and fro to shopping makes the trip much better.
Got a clock for the kitchen/living room, Thanks to Susan I have a hammer so hanging it was a breeze.
tried to download a picture but after half hour I gave up...sorry hammer pic


  1. going so quickly from the deep freeze to the fiery heat must be hard on the body.

  2. the heat is 'interesting' to say the least. I lots, really don't miss the cold wind, but need to sit after exertion to catch up.
    But everyone is complaining about the heat so maybe, just maybe, the heat is extreme
