Thursday, March 19, 2015


finally found 3A batteries, in buying bread and there they were hanging on the wall behind the cashier, what a find!!!
and finally got to the Cold Store (meat store that is made up of only a walk in freezer in a shed) got chicken, it comes soft or hard and not remembering what that meant, soft means it can be fried, hard means its for stews, anyway got soft, AND because chicken does not come on a Styrofoam plate covered with saran wrap, nor does it come skinless, one needs to fill in those blanks oneself. after skinning and chopping of the excess fat etc I packaged in ziplock sandwich  bags and put in the freezer

kept one out to have for supper with rice, one pot wonder, and I had 3 servings, enough left for lunch tomorrow.
Actually never made it to the office today between running errands and having a visit with Gifty (has the workshop for the disabled) and we caught up with each other's lives with lots of laughs
Met bishop as he was leaving and I was returning,, see him tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Did you have to deal with the feathers too.
    say hi to Gifty for me.
