Monday, March 9, 2015


10 1/2 hour flight from New York on Friday, seats seem smaller some how. landed about noon on Saturday, got out of airport close to 2pm, Africa are the winners for line ups remember
Paul (Bishop's son ) picked me up, he has a daughter who is 3 months old and of course, pictures on his phone
- then hotel and slept till 6pm and then woke up again at midnight and then again at 730am on Sunday, food was not my top priority.
- to airport for flight to Sunyani, 55 minutes to fly and about 10 hours to drive
- got to my place about145 pm, opening up is like the cottage, clean, unpack, sort luggage, get some food,
got phone and internet re-established and withdrew $ from the bank and continued the settling process, did laundry for all the sheets and covers over furniture etc.
my fan and I are going steady as the temp is 34c
otherwise all is well.


  1. Glad to know you're safe and sound (and warm!!!). I'll bet it's good to see your friends.

  2. Glad to hear you arrived ok.

  3. phone number the same but have not figured out how to get on line as had to buy a new phone. so back to store tomorrow
    even the shop keeper close to the house said Akwaaba - you are welcome to be here

  4. Too hot for me
    I am not surprised you feel cold when you get back!!
