Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Chrism Mass

Have Chrism Mass today, 10 am started at 1030 ish, finished after 1, lunch and then retreat for the afternoon and supper after 6pm, yes I'm pooped, the Good News was that supper was provided
so NO COOKING!!!!yea
retreat had many topics covered, strategic plan for the diocese, outline of services for the remainder of Holy Week, synod booked for June (I will have left) changes in diocesan structure, along with singing and prayers.
There are 3 different piles of containers with oil, for the sick, for baptism, for confirmation and ordination, this is a ritual when all priests surround the table and one by one the groups of oils are blessed by the bishop, then everyone is anointed by the bishop and then back to a regular Eucharist.
BEEN INVITED TO ST. PETER'S IN BEREKUM FOR EASTER (where the school is being built)

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