Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Weird or what

I got my first New Years Day present, it is a weird one folks, the Lectionary (a book with all the Bible Readings for all services for the year for 2014) from the Precentor, he laughed when I said it was the best New Years present as it is the only. .....  I know, it is a bit of a stretch getting amusement from such but its the best I can do, given the year is still so young.
Continuing the Xmas Spirit the Cathedral gifted food stuff to the prison yesterday: rice, maize, and household stuff.  and there was a photo op, see below, this prison had both a men and women section (same place where the barrel of clothes went to) see pics it was divided between the two sections. 
                                                                                                     Women section staff    
Men's section staff

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