Wednesday, January 8, 2014



finally got a curtain for the bathroom, there are frosted slats for no see through but don't you now think it looks prettier ? 
re the adventure for the wedding on Saturday:
we are hiring a bus, leaving the cathedral at 11pm ish   on Friday, travel all night and get to Accra about 5-6am, have breakfast, attend the wedding, attend reception, get back on the bus and travel back to Sunyani early Sunday morning .. ..I have already declared the odds of me being in church later on Sunday morning are really low and maybe even non-existent AND
we do the same next weekend for the funeral of Sr.Mavis's father. It seems to me to live here you must be hardy, have stamina and  like travelling back and forth.


  1. they make the window look finished or dressed so to speak

  2. very spiffy curtains ,compliments the tile very well

  3. my 8 Ghana Cedi special ($4.00 Canadian) One panel cut in half and put side by side
