Tuesday, January 7, 2014

the Tuesday after New Year's Day

Betsy (old car) had a bath today, since I let God wash my car at home and do the same here, Matthias (driver) stepped up and offered to take it to the car wash, looks like a shiny jewel now
as the bishop's son Paul is getting married this Saturday in Accra,
I was asking Lois
how it actually unfolds. She says there is the Traditional Wedding on the Friday between the two families. Schnapps and money and goods are brought by the groom for the bride's family. She says in North Ghana the gifts are cows and cloth and money, with the bride's family being specific about what they will accept, it is not so rigid in the south of the country. Then on Saturday there will be the traditional church wedding(white dress and all) with a reception. I am planning to go with the group from the cathedral so stay tuned. As I am here longer I continue to have a never ending list of  questions about what and how the culture works here, thank goodness folks are wiling to answer them.

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