Friday, January 3, 2014

a realization I had today

as I hung wet clothes on the line, it dawned on me that I  do not have to worry about the clothes freezing on the line, like back home at this time of year. small things for a small mind  lol


  1. We made it up to -14 today better than yesterday's -16. We are hoping to reach zero celcius on the weekend before heading back down. Killer cold. Enjoy the heat.

  2. Your clothes wouldn't just have frozen, they would have snapped in two if you tried to bend them, if you put them out today. Was -25C when we got up. Currently -13C. Damn cold!

  3. no one's mentioned the 10-15cm of snow they're calling for on sunday...with a bonus feature that the temp will rise to 0C!

  4. we Canadians can be sure to jump into the conversation about the weather, here there is virtually no comments about the sunshine and the temperature, the rains tend to come and go very quickly, water absorbed into the ground and the sun comes back out so everyone stay warm +++++

  5. I had a new twenty dollar bill in my pocket while shoveling snow one really cold day. The bill snapped in half!
