Sunday, January 19, 2014

the wheels on the bus go round and round.....

"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round
 The wheels on the bus go round and round, all the way to Takorodi."

Friday  the plan was to leave at 10pm, bus arrived at 1040pm, then we drove up and down, looking for an open gas station, get gas (bus here does not come with the gas tank full but the leasee buys the gas before the trip), I think we are off BUT nope, stop at an open store for folks to buy candy and stuff like that. Now... we are off. We travel through the dark of the night meeting blacken communities and both lit and unlit vehicles. The light of dawn comes and we are nearing Takarodi. First we go to a Roman Catholic school where we are offered breakfast (bread, and tea). Then off to All Saints Anglican Church, Takoradi for the funeral service conducted by Bishop Festus (Bishop of Sunyani) where there is a low mass underway including communion service when we arrive. Mass ends and then around 10 am the procession of the ordained and the Funeral service began. I have to confess that I fell asleep during the service, missed the fact that a paper was circulating for each of the ordained to write their name, as introducing each and every priest happens at the end of the service. (the dean kindly wrote my name and then woke me up, oopsy but I was a little weary.) The service ended shortly after noon. The casket was carried out by 4 hired pall bearers (they have a set way of carrying the casket on their shoulder) and it was placed in the funeral coach (from what I have seen previously, the casket had been placed in the back of a pick up truck). We do not go to the cemetery but off to our bus. I think we are going towards home BUT  nope, off to a restaurant where the deceased family have arranged for lunch. there is entertainment (drumming  and cultural dancing), great food and THEN around 215pm we are off to home. Other than the bus entertainment being enlarged to include two short episode of a story (I did not watch as it had big snakes ugh, ugh  and the local language with English sub titles) and the video from last week (only shown 3 times this week). Nothing too exciting on the ride home, Kumasi must have saved the 5 o'clock rush hour and placed it between 8 and 9 pm. It took 70 minutes to battle Kumasi traffic along with the up and down on wash board city roads where a new highway is being built. we stop for gas, many get out for a pit stop, the bus moves out of the gas station and parks along the main road, on the wrong side of the road of course, and we wait.  Then more get off (I presume for a pit stop, and some do but others do a bit of shopping and come back on board with bags of shopping accomplished.) Off for Sunyani.. home close to 11pm. I was in bed by 1215. I roused a few times during the might but got up at noon.
No church today, my goodness two weeks in a row.   

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