Sunday, January 12, 2014


its 1025 am, I am sitting at the kitchen table, my feet on a chair, not been to church and am quite ok with life (I am sure God would understand my decision at 6am to go back to bed,  still a little tired )
Wedding was lovely, handsome groom and very pretty bride, her colours were green and pink, looked quite a nice together, parents of groom and bride looked very proud, service a little long in comparison to in Canada (3 1/2 hours, no communion for congregation, just the bride and groom) but never the less...quite worth the trip
the bride, groom, maid of honour and best man sit on these decorated chairs front and centre, no altar, drum set centre at the back of the raise dais and the cross to the far side 


signing the Register, need 4 witnesses so both sets of parents are the signers and we clergy were invited to be supportive and be with them at that time

dancing back from signing
Visiting clergy with 3 bishops (2 retired and the groom's Dad)

steps of the church

January 11, 2014


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