Sunday, January 5, 2014

Saturday night at the cathedral!

AYPA organized an evening of song and praise and entertainment, invited a number of youth groups in the city from various churches. Eventually got started with singing and praying and more singing.  Groups from the various church came up to present their singing with lead singers and back up support. It struck me as a cross between a Rock Concert (very loud music with many speakers and amps) and an Impromptu Jazz concert (with it unfolding as it does whether the music is spot on or not). There was a dance group from the cathedral both young men and women. They interpreted the song and were very good.  )
There is a song VIA DOLOROSA ( words are powerful, its on U tube, I prefer Patti ??? last name) which puts to words and music the events of Good Friday, I was wondering how they would/could interpret it in dance, will wonder out loud to the dean to test the waters and if ok, will wonder to the choreographer. maybe  this could be part of Good Friday this coming year??????? 
As support for the youth, all the clergy of the cathedral made an appearance including the Bishop.

the Dean and I