Sunday, January 12, 2014

the bus to Accra

....talking about the trip....left at 1010pm Friday (almost a Canadian 10 o'clock leaving time rather than an African 10pm which could be up to 12 midnight), on the road, nice bus (Like a Greyhound type, no bathroom though, TV screen, audio, padded seats) so off to Accra, only a couple of empty seats,(I guess the bus held 40 if full), I sat behind the driver, to stave of being car sick (I still can get nauseated at the back of the bus) and to help to keep an eye on the road (you know, watch for cars, put on my imaginary brakes, and imagine all sorts of vehicular possibilities, perhaps a little like a back seat driver), so into the darkness we  travel  and I mean dark (no street lights and rarely were there lights in the buildings at the side of the road, AND meeting vehicles with no brake lights or lights of any kind on but some of the long haul semis have different coloured lights along the side and at the back blue, green, yellow and red along with rope lighting that flashes off and on OR along the rope... quite distracting to the back seat driver until one figures out what the lights means ........ there is a Christian video on the screen with the hymn words on the screen (very elaborate profession American looking musical production which appears to be set in a place like the Dome  in Toronto, huge) so we listen/watch/sing along, (over the trip probably saw it 6 or 7 times, bus only had one video it seems) young people at the back talking and laughing, older folks toward the front dozing off, I actually slept off and on as much as one can do while sitting on a bus while trying to back seat drive the bus as well.....pit stops at the side of the road (no rest centres with Tim Horton or McDonalds having clean bathrooms), arrive Accra about 5am (still dark out) but cant find the hotel where we are to meet the grooms family) so  around and around, asking for new directions, by 6am we find it (the dawn is coming, how is that for imagery eh!, cant find the place .. it is dark,  find the place ...there is dawn light I know it is small imagery but give me a break...I am still tired) we are greeted by Mother Felicia and have places to sit and get breakfast, some lay down, have a shower, eat breakfast, ready for the wedding. I sit between 2 chairs and doze, by 10am got the signal to be ready to leave for the church, off to drive around and around it seems, cant find the church, ask a few people and get there by 1045, LIGHTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH, a big structure.  WEDDING ......see previous blog,  after pictures, we are given a boxed lunch and drink at 2pm, since we are not going to reception so set out for home at 230pm... traffic in Accra like 5pm on the 401 crossing Yonge Street soooooo 1 1/2 hours to get out of Accra, drive with pit stops (actual bathrooms so to speak, cubicles with a trench at the back, most of them had doors, folks it beats sitting by the edge of the road with the world passing by and the only the saving grace was dark, and no street lights) continue the drive home with 8-10 speed bumps in each village, mostly it is a 2 lane highway, get to Sunyani about 7 and it takes 1 hour to battle the supper hour through the city (no bypass highways) and on to home, got back at 1030, this turned out to be a whole day adventure. Just to note... this is a very typical travel trip here.


  1. I'm tired just reading about it!

  2. I admit that I did not much today and we do the same kind of trip next Friday for Sr. Mavis' father's funeral near Cape Coast so I hear. My hat is off to the Dean and the Precentor who attended the wedding and both preached and celebrated 2 services today whilst I lounged.

  3. What amazing experiences you are having! The Christian comradeship how beautiful
