Sunday, March 24, 2013


WOW, Palms 8 to 10 feet long, they were cut fresh yesterday, no need to order them weeks ahead. 830am start, blessing of the palms, then off to march along the streets, with some playing a horn and a couple of drumers, stopping traffic, to the second round a bout till 10, liturgical party waits outside a locked door, bishop knocks three times and the doors are unlocked and we entered, I finished preaching at 1115 and I get home by 1pm. tried translating as I went along today, you get a rhythm with your translator, rather than the translator following when I finish, it was Fr. Martin so we will discuss it to see whether we do it the same way again The services for this week are outlined, surprise, surprise ….Holy Week a busy time lol The tradition here is that each parish have a Social Event on Easter Monday … ok … I suppose as at home it is a time for rest for priests We had 3 visitors today, 2 doctors (one is also an Episcopalian priest) and a nurse (a fellow born in Ghana and educated in USA) on a Medical Mission at the local hospital Now in front of the fan, watching the Ghana Black Stars play football (soccer) and they are winning !!!!!! while my laundry is out on the line to dry


  1. I remember Palm Sunday when we lived in Nigeria. We cut branches from our own palm trees and took them with us to church to use in the procession.

  2. I remember doing the procession of the palms just around the church property. how much better it is to process tho the community.growng up we did special things on Easter Monday too. another lost tradition in Canada. D

  3. hi Betty, great blog, Penny Lewis

  4. betty I am having a grand time vicariously with you through your blog. I picked up the address from your article in the anglican. Holy week busy and I had a wedding on Holy Saturday. its' now monday and I have stayed in my PJ"s all day--- bliss. April 1st and we have had snow on and off all day! Alliluia the Lord is risen, the Lord is risen indeed.
