Wednesday, March 13, 2013


went driving, I told Matthias (the bishop's driver who came with me) that he was putting his life on my hands lol it was ok, I got through a coupe of round abouts with no problem in every village they have serveral sets of speed bumps, no sign of course so you really have to look for them, other than that we arrived back in one piece :) :) :)


  1. How do yu ind your way with no road signs? Glaad your getting practice with round abouts as they are popping up all over ON.

  2. no road signs or street names makes it very difficult for me to go very far, I guess I wil need to take someone with me if I am travelling out of the city,
    even in Sunyani folks give directions with buidings or business on the corner, one day they will get signs but not yet ..
