Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Chrism Mass

Hydro come back last night after 11 or so Yesterday as in Toronto we had blessing of the Oils and reaffirmation of ordination vows. Each priest who needed oil brought their own bottle of oil and it was blessed, priests all robe, chausible and all and concelelbrated the Eucharist, it seems that is the way it done when ever all gather here whereas in To. the bishops celebrate and we the ordained are the congregation with a few laity. then here we had a retreat where I did a session on Prayer and next an open meeting of all the clergy, catechists and deacons with the bishop and thn lunch Did it rain, big downpour for an hour ... still no hydro so the generator was going full steam ahead. good celebration today picked up my passport with my extended stamp so I am legal again, goodness knows what I was before ??? went shopping as I had the car, the traffic round a bouts are gaining familiarity, the car has a sun roof which I found out the hard way..leaks. ....into life a little ran shall fall lol I knew there was a reason I never had one

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