Friday, March 8, 2013

a struggle between two wills

OMG I needed some photocopying done for my class tonight, go to office and it is closed, I call Fr. Timothy to see if he knows when the office will be open but no answer -So I will go shopping instead, got to the corner and this fellow says hello and I keep on walking as many people say hello and want to talk, (I guess I look like possible resources) so I keep walking -Fellow becomes more insistent that I speak with him, he tells me that I am impolite, which I am but for self-preservation -Then he says he is an Immigration Office and wants to see my passport, I refuse, (we are standing on a corner in the city and I am not pulling any document out to show him) I tell him it I in the Bishop’s safe for security and the bishop is out of town -He shows my his id and keep wanting to know why I refuse to speak with him, I am mad now, cross my arms and stand very straight -He keeps pushing, where am I from, where is my passport, where am I living. -at this point he reminds me he is an Immigration officer and shows me again his id, I now write down his name on my shopping list -he phones his supervisor, now we are going to the office and I now see a white young man standing by who come with us -I refuse to walk there so the 3 of us take a taxi, while in taxi Fr. Timothy calls me and I tell him I am being taken to Immigration, would he please come and get me, the Immigration Officer tell Timothy where the office is -Now in office, talking with supervisor person -Where is my passport, that I must carry a copy if I am afraid of it being stolen -asks several times why I did not speak to the fellow (I wonder after explaining several times what is to be a white woman in this culture, whether he ever got it ) -Anyway I get dismissed, wish the young man good luck and Timothy picks me up outside the office. -WHAT DID I LEARN, don’t leave home without a clerical shirt on -Put collar on and went shoppng


  1. Wow! Did you ever feel any concern, or just angry? It is an indication of where women stand in their society though, isn't it?

  2. I was not afraid, pissed off +++ which probably escalated the whole thing as at the beginning he was angry that I was so impolite as to not say hello,
    afer thinking about it, if again I would firstly insist we go to the office and discuss it and to look at douments, I will not entertain a street showing of documents

  3. it is really 416 pm now, I have no idea why the time registers as it does

  4. Maybe because your location is noted as Hamilton ON in your profile? So is adjusting the time based on time there?

  5. OMG!! why would immigation officers (randomly?) roam the streets & question you? what do they think you're doing there? might want to add a canadian flag of some sort to your outfit.

  6. p/s it's 2:05 here, not the 11:05 listed!

  7. ms t
    I am clearly not Ghanian and I gather they do walk about.

  8. Another of your unimmaginable adventures. Good for you sticking to your ideals.
    Hope it gts sortd out soon.

  9. You have all the fun! XO, Barb
