Saturday, March 23, 2013


these lizards are everywhere,6 or so inches from nose to end of tail Last night I had a class at 630pm, after I had gone to the Stations of the Cross which is every Friday at 5pm. Lights flickered during the service. So get to the class room and there is no hydro. The class room is inside the compound where there is the bishop’s house, my place and the guy who helps with the property. Bishop suggests that we try the generator at the cathedral, no gas so … we move chairs outside to start. Within 30 minutes too dark, cannot see, at this time the fellow who lives there, brings candles, lights them and puts three around the class room, just placing them on flat surfaces having melted the bottoms so they would stay there. So we have candles to give enough light to carry on. We managed to discuss the topic of the night. I am learning as much as I hope they are: about traditions, culture, normative behaviour in families, all of which will affect how they do pastoral care. I have said before, living here is hard work, getting things done regardless of the circumstances is a challenge that never seems to go away. Folks usually can be very creative in solving the most pressing problem, without a fuss, they just get on and do it, most admirable.

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