Saturday, March 30, 2013


THE VIGIL My problem is that I have to get to the church when it is advertised to start because I cannot figure out how late everyone will be. So I arrive at 6pm, one other person there so I go back and get mY Kobo reader To fill in the time and it was a good story I was reading, I see bishop’s wife and she asks ‘what is the time?’ 6pm I tell her and she jumps as she did not realize it was so late. I sit at the back of the church reading and gradually folks arrive so by 640 we do the lighting of the new fire with the 4 congregation and 6 liturgical folks, bishop, 3 priests, 2 servers By the end of the service @ 845 there are about 60 folk and now there are 7 servers. I wish I could figure out how late to be and still be there before things start, maybe with experience it will become obvious Went shopping to the market and found the cold storage where one can buy chicken, so I got home with my treasures, chicken, carrots and tomatoes, I was quite pleased at finding what I wanted in one trip, I was going to buy eggs but the clerk was nowhere to be found so do that Monday. It is like shopping in a new grocery store and not being able to find what you want without wandering around a lot

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