Saturday, March 10, 2018

plantain mmmmgood

getting some fried plantain made for me today, 
water came on just before bed,,,, thank goodness.
I am taking a certificate course on International Health Care on line. Started last time I was here and finishing it up this trip
tried to find some apples yesterday but alas none to be found, I guess not the season I suppose
the market is one lane with sorta parking on the left side and items from each stall spill onto the road, many folks walking in and out, the inner market has only walkers and the alleys are maybe 10 feet wide with goods staked up in neat fashion, carrying parcel on the head leaves the hands free to further shop, FYI; there is rolled up fabric in a circle between the head and the parcel


- at the cathedral they do the stations of the cross every Wednesday and Friday, it is done in but local language and English using a book I got in Jerusalem A WALK IN JERUSALEM, by John Peterson. I am trying to find another copy to leave here, wrote to St. Georges College in Jerusalem to see if they have one, if anyone has one they would like to send, please do, just let me now so I can look for the mail., address below.

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