Thursday, March 15, 2018

mango tree

in 2013 I wrote while sitting under a mango tree,
well this year the tree had no leaves when I came and it was thought to be dead now (I do not know the life expectancy of these trees).
yesterday and today there was this hacking noise, and then a big boom the tree was down,
                                         the root as you see is nearly four feet in diameter
                                all the work done with an axe, no chain saw in sight, no guide ropes

   and like some trees that fall, it took out part of the wall, the roof and the roof edge trim    oooopsy
                                 my day ended well when three wise people into to visit
Caleb the middle wise person was introducing me to the visiting boy I wonder if he hoped that I would bring out my bag of suckers (no such luck as it was supper time)
                                                     a wise thought though Caleb !!!
                                                      kids are still in school uniform

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