Monday, March 12, 2018

Good Day

 success with the renewal of my visa for 3 months, smooth system now, go to office, fill out form, give required money and one photo, 10 days later renewed visa (no sweat), now I am good until June 1, 2018 and I will be in Canada on that day
Bishop is on leave and travelling so my work is greatly reduced. I will be going to the women's Centre that Sr. Mavis of the Order of the Holy Paraclete runs to teach crocheting, now the funny part is that I knit but crocheting is a big challenge for me. so google easy patterns and persevere most of this afternoon and HERE ARE MY RESULTS,  a rose and a simple flower, samples for the students ..... not perfect but look pretty ok to me I still like knitting better but necessity is the mother of invention so they say

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