Thursday, March 29, 2018

all electronics back on track

Mass yesterday with the Archbishop.

yesterday got delivery of a Pascal Candle holder, Moses the carpenter (who made my cupboards) had made and donated as the cathedral did not have one. I was overwhelmed with how beautiful it was,
it was given to the dean this am with a new Pascal Candle.   nice eh!

 I am going to Accra tomorrow until Monday. I have been nominated for an Inspire Award which I will receive on Saturday evening. This is the weekend in the church year that has so much meaning so only a couple of folks are coming with me. I will post pics.

Post script re knitting needles
a carpenter near the Centre made them, I took two try, I forgot them in Adu's taxi and someone took one,  soooo only have one now. It is a good job that 30 pairs were made.

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