Monday, March 19, 2018

knitting needles

can not find even one, and most do not know what they are.
I will visit garage sales and Goodwill to get them to bring back in the fall,
any contributions gladly received
that's the thing here,
Back in Canada when we are so used to running to a store or a garage sale and getting exactly what we want, and here, one makes many stops at roadside shops and a run through the market with Adu (who has no idea what a knitting needle is), is an exercise with no results frequently,
oh hum...another day, next time I will take a picture of one to make the explaining easier.
I might resort to pencils with a point just so practicing can start, pencils I can get along with yarn.
maybe tomorrow......

1 comment:

  1. I will start gathering. I know I can get a lot in a short time.
