Sunday, March 25, 2018

Palm Sunday

other than the hydro being off all day and the water off in the afternoon as well, still no water,the  hydro is back a few minutes ago and then I run around like a ninny plugging all the electronic stuff in to recharge as one never know when it will go off again. so everything is in 'plugged in mode' at the moment
Palm Sunday was good. we had palms 6-7 feet long around all the doors, in front of the windows and a pile to be blessed The kids thought they were wonderful to swing in all directions of course.
We had the Most Rev. Dr. Justice Ofei Akrofi the former Archbishop with us as Bishop Festus is on leave.
the drill is: to bless the palms, then out to the street singing, waving Palm branches for a few blocks before turning back to the church
see return below

Dean knocking on the West Door


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