Saturday, March 24, 2018

Funeral in Wenchi

Wenchi is 51 km from Sunyani and it takes about 1 1/2 hours to get there. Between pot holes and speed bumps in every town and village driving at a high speed is impossible. 
The deceased was the sister in law of a parishioner so a dozen or so attended the funeral. It was in the Methodist Church and lasted about 3 hours. Then everyone went to a community centre and was served food and drink while the family went to the grave side for the Interment. when the family returns they are greeted by everyone who is sitting under tents like below. Since the extended family is very important and so it seems as though everyone has many funerals to attend and most funerals are held on Saturday so you see many people walking up and down the roads in black or black and red clothing, attending funerals.

Mabel cooked guinea fowl tonight and gave me some. It was like chicken but the white meat seemed more meaty some how. I had their eggs in an omelette years ago, they had a darker yolk than chickens and were about the size of a small chicken egg. I just read they are a delicacy in Italy.

guinea fowl

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