Monday, March 16, 2020

what to worry about?

??? the Virus - I guess I could worry about the virus or getting sick or returning back to Canada or 
the door bell rings and I have 8 women plus a baby standing on the porch declaring 'they have come for a visit" and I invite them in to the 'Parlor' but they enter through the hall door as I never answer the Parlor door.

so everyone gets a seat, I offer water but they had a drink when visiting next door to see the Deans new grandchild.
So why are they here ' to pay me a visit"
then the conversation tells about the Society of the Good Shepherd which they all belong to while Mother- Deans wife translates for me as some can not understand what I am saying. so the topic leads to their projects and I was told that they do not have projects. So I explain how many groups in Canada design a project or projects for s year and work on gather what is necessary for the project to become a reality. I went Creche to reality.  My favourite topic here is 'thinking outside the box' which is a new concept for many here. School is taught using memory work mostly. So I challenge them to think of ways to raise funds for the new Creche.  Then they announced they wanted to leave. I took a couple of pics and off they went.
I must admit I sometimes worry about being socially appropriate when visitors come, as there is a very formal protocol when entertaining here and I hope that I manage to meet most of the expectations. 
 Later I hear Trudeau laid down the law about people returning/coming to Canada. I think that I will just hole up in my house (I bought two large packages of toilet paper so I am good for a while)  Tanya told me that the shelves for toilet paper were  empty so if you need some, I can sent a roll or two your way/

Here are the women plus baby, Mother is on the right end of those standing
Sophie wanted to have one of her alone, so here is the pretty lady


  1. Thanks for the offer of TP. But I'll pass. Thinking outside the box is frighting. Bravo to them for taking up the challenge.

  2. Just realized I hadn't checked your blog in ages. Glad to see you are doing well. Hard decisions re staying vs coming home. My main concern about staying is getting decent medical care if you should get ill. Hope you stay healthy and safe. Thinking of you.

  3. well I am ok so far. staying in the house most of the time. I will monitor how this are unfolding. tv and wifi keeping ma informed and entertained
