Sunday, March 29, 2020

Airport trip - epistle as I am bored

330 am  got taxi, off to airport following Bev and her husband (they are from Montreal, I know her as she is a Past President of the chapter of DKG Sorority in Montreal) travelling through the streets of Accra, streetlight 50 to 75 feet apart, through low end real estate, then industrial buildings, then higher end lreal estate with street light 25 feet apart, the bigger lights, boulevards, curbs at edge of roads,(fancy area of town), then bigger lights, tall hotels, and blvd signs every 10 feet with ads from banks, phone companies and red lights atop buildings, now near the airport.
Line up to enter, there is no other people except this charter by the Canadian govt, I was told the airport opened especially for this charter as it had been closed completely because of the virus. ( I bet that cost a pretty penny and that is why my ticket price was so high)

Got a ride in a wheelchair( ordered ahead) thank goodness as the walk would have been very long
Wait till 530 to get processed and get boarding pass, no line as the air port is empty except for this charter.
now 545 and need wait till 7 am to board at boarding lounge, no stores opened, no eateries open, I have one slice of bread and half bottle of H2O. I will live but just barely lol


620am   plane had arrived  .....  thanks be to God

7am on the plane in my seat 

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