Saturday, March 7, 2020


Ghana celebrating its independence.
Politicians, cultural leaders, religious leaders, school children, police, army fire departments all gather to  march and dance and have music to mark their 63rd anniversary of Independence.
I have been listening to the including local school practice their drumming, morning and afternoon for weeks  to participate in the parading yesterday.  Now I hunch the drum will be put away until next year (tbtG).
Paramount Chief: (head of the area chiefs), beside him is the Commandant of Fire Services) I whispered to her "good for you to reach the top being a woman"
...   back to the chief
very decorated chair (he probably brought it with him), footstool, cushions at back and seat, gold decorated sandals, jewelry includes a ring and bracelets while wearing a very elaborately decorated traditional cloth worn somewhat like a toga

this man crept along to adjust the Paramount Chief's pillows.
he is called the Linguist, he speaks for the Paramount Chief who does not speak at all in ceremonies

 Now here are the Sub Chiefs,
sitting while holding their staffs with their their individual Totems on top all finished in gold.

Reviewing the troops in the back of a pick up: 
police chief, President Representative and Local Politician 

for the first time there was the camera in the sky - a drone with a camera

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