Thursday, March 19, 2020

all those tasks that you will get to....some day

Well being stuck in the house makes those tasks seem to be weighing heavier every day.
The sheer curtains in my bedroom dragged on the floor.
just dragged an inch or two and I looked at them every time I was in the room, I was going to take them up at the top as the bottom had design and scallops on the edge but I never got around to do it

Now I am staying in the  house, I have not choice but to fix it.
turning the header over once solves the issue. No excuse as I do not have anything much to do. Could not find my white thread for a couple of days, asked where to find white thread, none at the corner store, trader next to my house had lots.
start to sew the header and realize this was a very large task, of which my lazy gene came to the surface, there must be a faster way, if I had a sewing machine, one zip along would be sufficient, stitch witchery would do the same with one swipe of the iron but nothing here like that.
THE STAPLER came to the rescue 

success in a timely manner and the curtains do not drag on the floor any more
my lazy gene was satisfied.


  1. Where there'sa need to hem; a stapler is always a good idea. Used one on my tunic in high school.

  2. A stapler is better than a safety pin in my book
