Friday, March 20, 2020


GARBAGE is an issue here that is not dealt within a ecologically effective manner. Garbage is everywhere, piles two stories high are not unusual at the side of the road with goat trekking back and forth on the hill side, fires burning on the pile to reduce its size happens as well, PCB's floating into the air from the plastic  bags that seem to multiply overnight.

this is just beside the path to the school

along the path

this is how to get rid of garbage, I think this is what William does with mine, 
I actually do not ask as there is no other option except to burn it outside the house

well if you know me at all, COCA COLA is my drink of choice, this does not change 
regardless of where I live, so 
I drink coke from a plastic bottle here as the local coca cola is packaged in plastic bottles. This results in many many bottles to dispose of and I started saving them as I know bottles are reused often here.
today I found someone who makes SOBOLO  or SOROL (in the Caribbean) 
a drink made from Hibiscus tea leaves who can use the bottles.

YES !!!! success in recycling in my small way