Saturday, December 14, 2019

Shopping therapy

went shopping with Florence, Mother Margaret's granddaughter, who is here to do her National Service which is a year of volunteer work in a government agency, she is s teacher so she is placed at a school near where my house is, so she says she will visit me every day.
Shopping here is a bit of a zoo when looking for specific things, like I wanted a sponge, a long piece of sort of netting that one uses as a wash cloth, it is rough so exfoliates as you wash and nail polish remover, it means going from one shop to another asking do you sell, then she bought food stuffs and came back from one fora with a box that chirped (live chicken) I have never had to deal with one that was live, mine is usually wrap in clear plastic and in a meat counter.Here everyone learns to deal with live chickens
some street scenes below

there are layers of shop keepers, this is the layer closest to the road with only an umbrella as covering and most likely all the merchandise is gathered up at the end of the day and taken home, I do not know if they pay rent for the space
then there will be a layer behind that will actually be a shop in a building with a door to lock at night
then at the back of the building there would be another layer of stores out of the back of the building
most shops are quite limited with their goods so stay focused on one type of merchandise 

 streets with no sidewalks but have open ditches with planks to get across
 overturned semi, fully loaded with plantain 
probably overloaded and when it shifted the whole trailer went over

trying to point out the 45o hills that here, folks walk up and down and I am in a car, needing lots of practice to attempt even one

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