Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Moving my stuff

It is amazing how one collects stuff even when living minimally. Many assisted in loading the truck, including boys from the middle school who did most of the running back and forth. I was in the bedroom trying to empty the wardrobes and jam my clothed into the hockey bags, sweat dripping off my chin and wondering if I would ever find organization again. In my dream I had it organized and then the group to help descended and chaos erupted, with stuff flying out to the truck. I wanted control but ooopsy, none around. Saying good bye  was tough as in all endings, the bummer is that travel is so slow here that visiting is a chore and makes it difficult. 
On to a new chapter in the Diocese of Wiawso, to say it sounds like yawso. I needed to listen to it being said many times to catch it. I do not have a good ear for picking up languages. Let me tell you about the washboard roads and I think they forgot to include shocks and springs when building the truck. like being in a wringer washer, up and down and, around and around, 4 1/2 hours in the morning and same to return, my butt was screaming. We left at 5 am, in the cool of the night and less traffic, it was like driving into the midst as the sun rose. arrived safely back home in the dark after 7 pm. Ebeneezer is a great driver, I would have pulled over once darkness fell on the way home and waiting till morning, no street lights, poorly marked roads or just hardened earth in some spots, pot holes of various sizes and depths so driving between them or through them a constant guess, oncoming drivers insisting keeping on their high beams, people walking on the side of the road with no shoulder many wearing dark clothing, I was constantly surprised as they passed it seemed within inches of my window, anyway we got back safely, no mishaps, I now have all my stuff in a chaotic stage but never the the less here but the house where I will be living is still in the building stage but Bishop says by new year it will be done.  all and all a good day.

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