Saturday, December 28, 2019

Celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the creation of the Western North Region

Last year at this time the President of Ghana divided a few of the regions, Western Region is divided and the new section is called Western North which is where the Diocese of Wiawso is and Sefwi Wiawso is the capital, some what like dividing a province into two parts.
So, today was the one year anniversary since the creation of the new region.
Today the chiefs, the political dignitaries, church officials, and the public gathered on a soccer field to give thanks and celebrate. The reception of chiefs is done with each chief and followers walking around and greeting everyone who is there, one stands when the chief is coming, there can be a person  running ahead and announcing the chief is coming like a town crier, there can  also be drums being beaten in his entourage,  and after each chief makes his appearance the chief who is over the land where the event is being held then greets everyone. there are clear expectations on greetings here, even in the house when someone drops in. 
the real drag today was the event was scheduled for 11 am, we got there around 1 pm and things got going around 230 pm. it was half way through the program by 4 pm and we left. I do not know about the Dean but I was hungry +++.


note the 3 red trimmed umbrellas in front of the tents signaling a chief is sitting there, the umbrellas look the same as you see in the movies , 6-8 feet in diameter and the red trim is quite floppy


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