Friday, December 20, 2019

My mouse is fixed

I bet you did not know it was broken. The mouse on the computer stopped working months ago and I thought that the computer was getting old and bits and pieces were falling by the way side. I bought an external mouse that I hate but what else could I do.
Yesterday while looking for a way to get my sermon printed I wandered into Victor's office who has a printer. Short version I got it printed. Sammy who is the physician assistant at the health clinics was there and tells me he is an IT specialist as well. I complained about the mouse and he offered to put in a program to fix the mouse on the computer. You have to know that anyone toying with my computer makes me nervous as I really need it to function. So he assured me that he could fix the mouse function on the computer. Little did I know that function key 6 turns off the mouse. so between what ever program he  claims to put in and the function 6 key, the mouse now happily works like a charm.

Peter Pointer on now functioning mouse pad    jippeeeee

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