Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve. one more sleep

 Market day on the 24th is a feat to get through. if you look at Google World and on the town Sefwi Wiawso you can see a large part of the town with tin roofs side by side that covers acres I am sure which is the market. I have yet to find the rhyme or reason to the layout, meat and fish seems to be together but not much else that I saw but I was not there very long.
It made the Eaton's centre look like  walk in the park. add to the crowds is the fact it is unpaved so the puddles are there for jumping and the mud around them is to be avoided. I found that I could not see what was for sale as I was too busy trying to stay on dry land.  Anyway, a experience to say the least.

trying to get through the parking lot

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