Thursday, March 7, 2019

Wednesday/Thursday are holidays this week

Wednesday was Independence Day here in Ghana when prime Minister Kwame Nknumah declared independence from United Kingdom in 1957. Kids are off school today as well. Dean invited me to attend a Choral Concert at the Methodist Church celebrating the eve on the Independence Day Celebrations. Several choirs performed with drumming and great voices to be heard. The key note speaker in my opinion got a little off the celebration topic and emphasized more traditional religious and political points of view, a little weird to be heard in a Christian setting I think.

Great colourful cloth made especially for the choirs

The Choir leader in front with the long robe in the choir cloth. see what he has in his hand, it is a small musical key board that he operates by blowing into the white tube which gives the energy for the musical notes to be heard when the keys are played, I guess like the bellows on a pump organ. I have never seen anything like this before. really quite ingenious especially when in a setting with little or no electricity, portable and hand held.

outdoor class with a nice breeze

the Mother of Invention at work
- tapestry needles do not exist here or I can not find them so this is what we are using, guess what it is made from???? it is 2 inches long and sealed with duct tape (my favourite and most useful item in my toolbox)


  1. Would you like me to send you some tapestry needles?


  2. well, it would be nice, I need 20, that leaves extras to cover the ones that will get lost, big thanks in advance
    my name, PO Box 23, Sunyani, Brong Ahafo, Ghana, West Africa
    label them something benign or they will get stolen, used paper maybe mix them with used paper clips or used nails/screws, it should take about 5-6 weeks if my xmas card that arrived on Jan 25 is anything to gauge it by

    1. Mailed. A whole bunch of tapestry needles. Some new, some used, all in good condition. And a bunch of paper clips for obfuscation! I hope it gets to you, but I am not out of pocket other than mailing costs, so don't worry if it doesn't.

  3. Ok, will try to get some off to you this weekend. What size? Mixed sizes? Mostly large?

  4. Sorry for the delay in responding, I didn't get a notification that you'd replied, just remembered to check.
