Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Advent candle holder

last Advent the Advent candles sat on a 1 x 1 foot box beside the altar and they disappeared after xmas eve, I gather the whole story about the Advent candles is not known here, I have to tell you the box looked tacky to say the least, after a conversation  with the Dean about Advent wreaths and candles he thought it might be nice to have a real Advent wreath candle holder so after looking at a few designs he picked one and I called Moses, the great carpenter and showed him the design the Dean liked and left him to his devices, I do not have the nerve to make suggestions as he always comes up with a great finished product, so here is the result, I think it is great!!!! just needs to white candle for the centre


  1. yes, wait until you see the table lamps he is making for me (I brought the electrical parts from Canada)

  2. Love the symbolism of the single centre.
