Wednesday, March 27, 2019

interlocking bricks for cathedral driveway

the surface of the driveway and parking area for the cathedral is covered in broken bricks and gravel and just plain red earth,  there has been noises made for a few months now about resurfacing the drive. Some monies have been gathered and work has started.

                                                                                         this is the state now

There is no where to buy the required bricks so the bricks are made with a machine, 6 at a time, there was a small area with a roof constructed that the machine sits under with 2 men mixing and then filling the molds with cement, they are prepared on a 18 x 18 inch board so they can be lifted and set out in the sun until dry (takes 2-3 hours), I will keep you posted



  1. The pioneer spirit lives on. They are lucky it doesn't take 2 weeks to dry and bake in the summertime!

  2. I think it must take some time to dry as they keep watering the bricks and they say the bricks dry harder, I do not understand that but I do not need to
