Saturday, March 30, 2019

the house that Adu is building

Adu has been building his house for about a year. (remember mortgages are impossible with interest in the neighbourhood of 80% so houses get built as the money is realized). He is ambitious when he says he will have it completed in 2 years, time will tell. It is about 30 minutes along the Berekum Road from the cathedral. The access roads are like cow paths at the moment but as the area gets more housing built, they will improve. He is his own contractor  and I think, watches like a hawk that the work is done correctly. This view is looking from the master bedroom and the other pic is Adu standing in the master bedroom which will have an ensuite bathroom. The walls get built with blocks that he makes himself, then the floor gets poured.  The utilities,(electric and water) are added after as there is no basement. Water will not be from a bore hole or a well but from a community poly tank that the water is trucked in to when needed. Roof will be corrugated tin as the metal roofs that are used here are expensive and their colour fades. 
a very ambitious project, he says its a dream that will come true.


  1. His ambition is awesome. I hope he can do it. Will the kitchen be indoors?

  2. He is convinced he will finish it, it may take a few years but it will get done I am sure. I would hunch it will be an outdoor kitchen as that is common in most homes, even middle class.
    We had a conversation today about being honest and helpful, this fellow has 4 kids, a wife and supports non working relatives by providing yams and plantain.
