Friday, March 8, 2019

it rained cats and dogs

I thought I was protected from back flow from the septic tank  NO NO NO it was up 4 inches and the smell, well you know the out house, so I guessed that the one way valve was installed but not sealed with silicone, well I bailed out two pails and my back was screaming so I phone the plumber to ask if he used silicone, it takes a few minutes for him to figure out who I am,,, the mommy from the cathedral,,,yes, did you seal the valve with silicone  I ask ,,,,,,can't hear you he says, out in the rain I go to Dean and hand him the phone and say its the plumber, I think he did not use silicone around the valve, and then at the same time May is telling Dean that their bedroom ceiling is leaking down the wall and in the centre of the room, May is kind so comes and bails with me, I watch, she bails and carries the pail, 3 pails later the level is down so I ask her to stop, it stops raining so I get out the bleach to wash everything that needs to be cleaned,
time passes and a couple of hours later it starts to rain again, I have a tube of silicone, no application gun so just cut it open with a knife and use the end of a fork to slather it around the one way valve, looks crappy and lumpy but I hope no more septic water, 
thank goodness Affia comes tomorrow and makes things sparkle again. What an evening!

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