Thursday, March 14, 2019

a little of this and a little of that

bought a applicator gun to apply silicone without a fork or spoon, now I am prepared the rain will stay away

knitting crew is coming along, two started a garter stitch vest to keep (thanks again to all who donated wool as it gives lots of choice for the girls to pick from), new game this week at the Skill Centre ... who can run the fastest to get a mango when it falls from the tree

 mangos while sitting under the mango tree
finished the on line course for teaching English as a Second Language, going to take one on teaching grammar as verb tenses are like mud to me. it has been a long time since grade 13 English grammar. Whether I ever use it, I can't say as lesson prep is ++++ work. It has been interesting though. I now speak and preach in simple sentences and speak slower as I am in a situation where English is a second language.

This is Education Week in Ghana, so today had a Grand Durbar: as far as I can figure it is when parents, students, teachers, officials from near and wide gather to celebrate Education in Ghana. It was held on the grass beside the cathedral. Kids recited poetry, scripture, gave speeches on being a good parent, dancing exhibitions, speeches all under the pointy roof tents with refreshment at the end. tomorrow is Sports Day, cant wait ....

 Reciting poetry and scripture
              waiting their turn
giving a pep talk to parents on raising Godly children

 the only boy in traditional dress so need to show equal opportunity on this site

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