Friday, December 18, 2015

sitting at the side of the road

up and out by 530  AM, please note the time!!!!!  Sitting in the car, outside the Mission House (rectory on the second floor, church offices on first floor, and stores on the street front), still dark with a couple of outside lights on buildings, two women bent over sweeping their store front with a twig broom but no handle, a dog walks by and a man on a motorcycle roars by,
Arrived at convention site around 6am, more than 200 people already there as the program  started at 430am (the middle of the night for me), had prayers, an address for an hour on allowing the Holy Spirit into your life ( a slight cold breeze, so you can see sweaters, jackets, socks with sandals and I am cold) the break for 2 12 hours so folks can have breakfast  which means they walk back to the school where they are stay (at least 1 km) and return for 930am, its not far I am told,
If I wanted to sit in the back row, not possible so Dean and I walk up front and sit centre stage, wood chairs have padding where as everyone else is on plastic chairs under tents,

Now on the breakfast break, back in the car (out of the wind) working the internet (like magic if you think about it, me on the internet with a portable modem in a village with one water pipe and hand pump for all to use, no sewers, just ditches at the side of the road, some block houses with tin roofs along side mud huts with thatched roofs). magic I say
I tripped last night and scraped my elbow and the dean assured me I would not die, hurts a bit though but I am toughing it out LOL

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