Monday, December 28, 2015


Day of rest..I think not, laundry +++, tidy and clean, work on bulletin for Installation of Canons this Saturday, read. Emanuel, Former bishops secretary dropped by as the AYPA were having their year end gathering on the lawn of the cathedral and invited me along, the one thing here that one has to get used to is spontaneous sermons, I arrive and Emma asked me to give a Xmas message for the group, well a few minutes later  I did, then they wanted to know about me, and the questions afterwards were .. what did I like about being in Ghana and what did I find frustrating ..very interesting questions, anyway after they served great BBQ chicken with Soobolo (another name is Hibiscus tea with spices) to drink, and reminded me of Sorrel (uses sorrel flowers with spices) a drink I have in Trinidad and at St. Stephens Downsview, I wondered if the Caribbean drink if an distant relative of the African one,, small world

Just went on line to see if there was any relation between the two drinks and one site said sorrel had an African name sobolo,  well I guess my taste bud memory is still working!!!!


  1. Consider me curious. How did you respond to those questions, "what did I like about being in Ghana and what did I find frustrating"?

  2. I liked the friendliness, everyone says AKWAABA (you are welcome) and I am most frustrated with the lack of resources, eg no ink replacement for printer in the whole of the city of Sunyani, found only one in Kumasi and it would take a month to get another while I can walk into Staples and there are at least 100 on the shelf

  3. Thanks. Interesting responses, not that surprising.
